For complete CASB Forensics, use the dedicated Analytics app.
This section will soon be deprecated and all CASB users will view all forensics in the Analytics app.
The Forensics section of CASB provides the DLP Discover Forensics table. This table presents discovered data violations; data violations are defined by DLP Detectors in your DLP policy. You can navigate this table to retrieve relevant data or access additional information.
The Forensics section of your CASB app includes the following Forensics tables:
DLP Discover: Discovered data violations; data violations are defined by DLP Detectors in your DLP policy.
Files: All files within your organization.
Users: Users and groups of users within your organization.
How to View Legacy Forensics in the CASB app
The remainder of this articles is for legacy CASB users who had been using the partial forensics view in the CASB app (which will deprecated soon.)
Use these steps to restore the legacy tables view in the Forensics section of the Proofpoint CASB app: