Deploying the Mac Agent Offline
You can install the agent in offline mode. The agent is installed but not registered. A service (RegOffline) is responsible for checking the Application server periodically.
Deploying the Agent in Offline Mode from the Command Line
To execute and run the command locally:
Download the Mac Installation file and Shell Script Configuration file.
To download the installation files, from Endpoints > Downloads, download the macOS Agent Bundle observeit-cloudagent-OSX-bundle-x.x.x.tar.gz and extract the contents. (See Mac Agent ITM/ Endpoint DLP Bundle Installation.)
To download the Shell Configuration file, Select Endpoints > Agent Realms and from the Agent Realm you want, select the Installation Configuration tab and Download the Shell Script. (See Installation Configuration File.) The <Agent Realm>_install_config,sh file is downloaded.
From the command line
chmod +x <Agent Realm>_install_config,sh
sudo ./<Agent Realm>_install_config,sh
/usr/sbin/installer -pkg "Path_to_the_PKG_file" -target /
Deploying the Agent in Offline Mode
You can run the command locally or push the agent remotely using JAMF or other mass deployment tools.
(For more information about deploying with JAMF or VMware Airwatch, see MDM Deployment to Install/Uninstall the Mac Bundle (JAMF)or MDM Deployment for the Mac Bundle and Mac Updater VMware Workspace ONE (AirWatch)).
For example:
sup@imac-sup Desktop % sudo /Library/PEA/agent/oitcons -check
Detected platform: PASS
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.15.4
BuildVersion: 19E287
Check for com.observeit.pkg.agent package: PASS
package-id: com.observeit.pkg.agent
volume: /
location: Library/PEA
install-time: Tue May 05 11:18:30 GMT+3 2020
Check for OIT services status: PASS
com.observeit.RegOffline , (PID=86968), Status=0
Failed to read the policy%
When script is finished make sure that only one ObserveIT service (RegOffline) is running.
Preparing a Golden Image
If you want to prepare a golden image, you must complete the deployment offline (Deploying the Mac Agent Offline).
Then you can shut down and prepare your golden image. The agent will register itself when the Application server is available. This will occur within 5 minutes.
To check an installed agent's registration and health status, run the command:
sudo /Library/PEA/agent/oitcons -check
The results should look like this:
Detected platform: PASS
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.15.4
BuildVersion: 19E287
Check for com.observeit.pkg.agent package: PASS
package-id: com.observeit.pkg.agent
volume: /
location: Library/PEA
install-time: Tue May 05 11:29:52 GMT+3 2020
Check for OIT services status: PASS
com.observeit.OfflineTxActivity_Service, (On Demand), Status=0
com.observeit.OfflineRxActivity_Service, (PID=88025), Status=0
com.observeit.OfflineTxImages_Service, (On Demand), Status=0
com.observeit.Accessibility_check, (On Demand), Status=0
com.observeit.OfflineRxImages_Service, (PID=88027), Status=0
com.observeit.FSE , (PID=88033), Status=0
com.observeit.HM , (PID=88031), Status=0
com.observeit.FAM , (PID=88035), Status=0
Checking for registration by remote app server: PASS
Check the web console to verify that the agent is working.
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