ITM / Endpoint DLP Windows and Mac Support

This page describes the current status for main supported features for Windows vs macOS.

General Feature Support

This table describes the main features supported for ITM / Endpoint DLP and indicates whether the features is supported for Windows and/or Mac.

U indicates a feature that is planned for an upcoming release.

Feature​ Win​ Mac​

Metadata Capturing

Screenshot Capturing

Allow capturing only window in focus (and not the entire screen)

MIP Label Extraction

True File Type Detection

Encryption for agent configuration files

Security Key for Agent Uninstallation

Endpoint Update

File Retention


End User Notifications

End User Justifications

Content Scanning

Detection and Prevention

Differ between Business & Personal OneDrive
Integration with Proofpoint Browser Extension U (Q4 2024)
Dynamic Policy  
Prevention based on Azure AD group membership U (Q3 2024)
Allow action in Prevention Rules U (Q3 2024)
Support Log Upload (pull agent logs from Console)  
Support Log Zones (extensive logging for specific activities)  

✓ = Fully Supported | = Partially Supported | U = Upcoming

Last updated: 10/09 2024