Customized Justifications
Justifications are responses that offer the user the option of continuing a prevented action by selecting a response. Justifications are used with prevention rules.
Justification for prevention rules is available for Windows only.
To understand when and how to use justifications, see Justifications.
From the Justifications page, administrators can create, modify, access and review justifications.
The page includes a list of all the justifications, the text, who modified and created the justification and the date it was created and modified. You can search for a justification by all or part of its text. You can reuse the same customized responses for multiple prevention rules.
Adding a Justification
From the Administration application, select Definitions > Justifications.
From the Justifications page, click New Justification.
In the New Justification panel, enter the text you want in the Value field and click Save.
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ITM / Endpoint DLP Prevention Rules